A simple guide on Guaranteed Investing
It’s finally here . . . my new book on guaranteed investing. This book is actually an update of my previous book, Seven Strategies to Guarantee Your Investments.
Who is this book for?
Has your investment portfolio taken a beating? Are you discouraged by the stock markets? Does your crystal ball show doom and gloom in the years ahead? Are you frustrated with your investment portfolio? Does risk in investments make your stomach turn? ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE SLEEPING AT NIGHT?
Conservative investors face these questions. In the last decade, we have gone through unprecedented ups and downs in the stock market. In fact, in the last 10 years, we have seen what some call a secular bear market. The volatility has created a very challenging period for stock market investors.
All of this puts investors in a tough situation – especially conservative investors. If you are one of these investors, this book is for you. Who should read this book?
- Conservative Investors who want PEACE of MIND with their investment portfolio
- Conservative Investors who want to ensure that they do not lose money
- Conservative Investors who appreciate security and safety
- Conservative Investors who buy GICs and other guaranteed investments
It’s not a book about anti-stock markets but rather a book to help investors who want more guarantees in their portfolio.
How is this book different?
I’m always cautious when trying to answer this question. In the investment industry, I’m not sure that there are any new ideas. It’s a mature industry, and most of the information is out there already.
That said, whenever I write books or articles, my research process starts with reading as many books about the topic as possible. What I found interesting was that I came across numerous articles on the topic of guaranteed investing, but very few books. From that standpoint, this book is innovative due to the time devoted to guaranteed investments.
GICs have been around for such a long time that most investors think they understand the topic. However, I hope you will find little tips and strategies to enhance your returns and reduce risk, even when investing in these conservative products.
While the focus of this book is on GICs, I will also touch on a number of alternative fixed income products. These alternative products are well covered in your local bookstores.
Real-life examples
One of the benefits of being in the financial industry for over 20 years is working with a lot of great people. The stories contained in this book are based on the real-life situations of people I have met as a financial advisor, columnist, and blogger, as well as through my financial education workshops. I use real-life examples to integrate the human element of investing with a technical, fundamental, and theoretical foundation. I hope you find them useful and enjoyable, and that they give the book a dose of reality. Although the examples are based on real situations, I have changed names and numbers to protect confidentiality.
How to buy the book?
You can buy the book on Amazon, either in paperback or the Kindle format.