Group Benefits » Group RRSPs

Three investment strategies for your Group RRSP plan

Many investors utilized the help of financial advisors when it comes to managing their investments.

The whole point of the Group RRSP and other Workplace Savings Programs is to make it as easy and simple for the employee to make investment decisions because there is not always access to advisors for help. There are really only three general investment strategies to use in your program at work.

1. The default approach.

Most group plans provide a general default investment so if the money goes into the plan without direction or investment instructions it has a place to go. Typically, this default tends to be either a more conservative option like a money market investment, some other form of fixed income or a conservative asset allocation product or something that is age-appropriate like a target-date fund.

Generally, the default is not an approach you choose but rather the approach that gets put in place when you do not make a choice. The other two approaches are better because rather than the one investment fits all approach, there is some customization.

2. The packaged approach.

In the retail world, many companies provide packaged approaches to help make things easier for the buyer. For example, a stereo store might bundle a TV, DVD, stereo, and speakers together and offer a package discount. The buyer does not have to worry about compatibility because the package has been put together to ensure the parts work well together. Another example might be the packaged meal deal at a fast-food restaurant or a computer system that is designed for a specific use. Mac has really done a great job, making sharing pictures, music, videos and games easy for the home application.

In the investment world, these packaged solutions also exist. They are known as asset allocation funds or target-date funds.

Asset allocation funds are investments that provide investors with a mix of different asset classes like stocks, bonds, and cash. The science of diversification suggests that there is an ‘optimal mix’ of assets to produce the greatest return for each unit of risk. Asset allocation funds incorporate this Nobel winning science so investors do not have to do a lot of managing. Generally, all the management in these funds is done for the investor since it is a packaged approach.

Asset allocation funds usually come in a few categories. In most group retirement plans there are typically 5 categories: Conservative, Moderate, Balanced, Growth and Aggressive. Basically the investor fills out a questionnaire and the answers to that questionnaire determine which if the 5 portfolios are most appropriate.

Target date funds (or sometimes called life cycle funds) are similar but take the allocation to the next level. Similar to an asset allocation fund, the mix of assets is optimized through science and all the management is done for you. The difference is these target-date funds also adjust the mix by shifting to more conservative holdings like cash or fixed-income over time. By changing this allocation, the overall risk of the fund decreases as the investor gets older (or as the fund reaches its target date). Target date funds are really designed as the autopilot solution because there are very little decisions making and management required.

3. The active/customized approach.

Some people criticize these asset allocations and life cycle funds as “one size fits all” solutions which leads to more complacency. As investors develop more knowledge and start to pay more attention to their portfolios, they may want to change their strategy to a more customized approach.

If we go back to the stereo analogy, someone might do a little bit of research and instead of buying a pre-packaged solution, they prefer to shop for the best TV, the best stereo and the best speakers on their own. They buy different components to create their own customized solution.

In the group RRSP plan, the investor would select their own investments based on some thought and research and then manage their own portfolio by making buy decisions as well as sell decisions. The customized solution requires a little more work. For this solution to work, you have to have the time, expertise and desire to get involved. Not all plans allow for this level of customization.

My two cents

The Packaged solution and the Customized approach are better than the default approach simply because there is a greater amount of customization. Choosing between these two solutions really depends on your level of desired involvement. If you want to be less involved, the packaged solution is probably better because there is less maintenance. If you are willing to take a more active role, then adding some customization might be right up your alley.


  1. Paul Dickson

    Hello Doug lam retiring just turn 65 nov 11 2020 now l have a decision to make am offer lump sum from employer of 255,000.00 or retirement payment of just over 1000 a month have just apply for both my pensions of about ? L also want to use too different banks to deposit let say 170,000 hsbc .ca & 85,000 rbc .ca but my question is how to avoid paying a lot taxes as will require this saving for time on l am gone my income for the last 25 years has been under 22000 .canada annually plus note l have lien of credit of -25000 with Rbc .ca what should one do in this case thxs Paul

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